Friday, June 24, 2011

Heritage Quilt

Although we were few in numbers, 30 people participated this year in the Orton Quilt Block swap. I loved the colors that our depression-era-reproduction-print-themed quilt inspired.
Here are some photos from the event:

Rayna with her quilt block contribution

Cousin Kristen, our lovely hostess, provided her beautifully manicured backyard and delicious food for our gathering.
My mother, Wanda, explaining her quilt block. The center square in each of her blocks is an actual quilt block from Grama Clora's collection.

One table of quilt blocks

The other table of quilt blocks, with roses from Kristen's garden

Some of the attendees enjoying each others' company. Cousin Sharise, Aunt Susan, Aunt Peggy, Wyn, Mattie Rae, and Cousin Daunell.

Rayna with her second cousin, Hannah (Kristen's daughter).

Of course we had discussion about next time or IF there will be a next time. Daunell opened the floor to comments on the matter. I raised my hand and emotionally expressed that "I will participate as long as it is offered. The opportunity to have a tangible piece of each of you is priceless to me."

I feel such a love for the Orton women in my life. They are my most favorite people to spend time with and to look up to. I love their strength, their cheery outlook, and the depth of their testimonies and example. Although I don't always feel like I can contribute to a group of women with such caliber, I love to absorb the love they exude and be inspired by the pioneer spirit that runs so deep in their blood.