Saturday, March 26, 2011

Education - A Child's Perspective

I asked my kids some questions yesterday to get a feel for their perspective on their academic education.

Me: Do you feel like you are learning anything new or interesting in school? If so, then what?
Rayna: Not very much
Ian: No much. Just art is OK.

Me: What would you like to learn about?
Rayna: How to make butter
Ian: How atoms form

Me: Name 3 things you'd like to be when you grow up and tell me why you think each job is cool.
Ian: An inventor. You get to make stuff. A lego designer. You get to create new lego sets. An obedient man so I don't get kicked out of my job.
Rayna: An artist because you get to paint. A dancer because you get to dance. A mother because you get to have babies.

This little survey sparked some really good conversation and I learned a lot from my kids. Ian sure had a lot to say about how he wished his education could be. So much that I didn't have time to get the same depth from Rayna. I'll have to ask her some more questions when she gets home from school today.

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