Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ring Sling

While I was taking it easy during the last trimester of my pregnancy, I came across this thing called a "Ring Sling". I had never seen anything like it before, but I liked the idea of having my baby close to me but still able to have my 2 hands free to help my other 3 kids.  I found a few websites where they gave dimensions of their slings and some basic instructions on how to make one. It didn't look too hard or like it would be too expensive, so I decided I would make one for me.

It was very simple to make and I finished the whole thing in less than an hour. To test the strength of the fabric and seams, I immediately recruited Jaeda to be my model. So, being 8 months pregnant, I hoisted her into the sling in a hip-carry. I cinched up the fabric tight and wa-lah! I was carrying her with no hands. Jaeda loved it. She laid her head down on my chest and I don't know if I've ever seen her be so still before. I think that it's calming to babies to be snuggled so close. But my poor back couldn't handle that for long, so I had to put her down. For the next couple of days she carried around a long scrap of fabric wrapped around her and carried her baby dolls in her own sling.

The next time my sister, Mattie Rae, came over, I showed her my new sling. She wanted to hold Jaeda in it.Jaeda did the same thing. She just laid her head down and held oh, so still. Mattie Rae said it felt like you were getting a big long hug. I need to make one for her with cross bones, pirates, or motorcycles.
Brynlee likes it just as well. I find that if she is fussy, it is easier to carry her in my sling and still get things done, then just to hold her and stress out about all the things I can't do that need to get done. Especially having her be so young, she still needs her head supported, so holding her takes both hands. In the sling I can position her so her head is supported and I have both hands free!

The tail of the sling has a batik fabric that I've made some large pockets with. I can use these as I'd use a diaper bag. The pockets are big enough for diapers and wipes, pacifiers, PBJ sandwiches... But if I'm not using the pockets, I don't love having the tail hang down, so I just wrap it under Brynlee's bum and tuck it in behind me.

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